Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Today is Where You Begin

Waking up each morning means that you have a choice. A choice to make it a great day or dwell on the things you wish you did differently. Today is your fresh start, it's the first day of the rest of your life. What do you want to do about it?

There's not one person on this earth that 100% proud of every decision they have ever made. Not one person on this earth can look in the mirror and have perfection, none of us were giving the gift of EVERTHING. So when you wake up in the morning just smile, and think of how today it can be better and give it your best. There's so many things in this world to appreciate and experience. If you have ever said, "Awe I wish I had that", or "That is so cool you have neat creativity", or "You are so lucky I don't have that". Just remember for every thing you wish you had someone else wishes they had something of yours.

We weren't created equal nor to be identical. There are many unique charateristics in each us. So when you think you wish you had someone elses feature, outfit, car, home, life. Just remember there are parts in their life they wish they didn't have.

So in short, you are who you are for a reason. Be proud of that and make each decision matter, remember though you may not love everything about your being some of the things you dislike somebody else loves or vice versa. If you start looking inside at all the things you have to offer and work with them may realize you can grow into the person you see in others.

Always put your best foot forward and when someone pays you a compliment say Thank you.
Now what about today, whats going to change for you?

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