Hey there all!! Just want to first tell the few of you who read my posts thanks!! Every so often I check out my stats and surprisingly I do have just a few readers, hey something is better then nothing.
How many of you have been burned in your life/career? I don't necessarily believe in getting burned on the job. You see someone is making money from you unless of course you are the one who is making the products, advertising them, and deliverying them but even then I think someone gets the best of you. All of us are someone else's puppet, it's what we make of our time as the main character that gets us to where we need or want to be.
What happens when you been had? Do you retaliate? Not a good idea if you see potential? Do you make negative comments? Again, not a good idea. I was told by my momma that if you can't kill the king you better not open your mouth. So true, I had this happen in my most recent position. I guess I didn't try to kill any kings or anything but I certainly tried to make a roar, if you will. People, companies, groups, teams no one likes a pot stirer. So are you that person?
Well I am here to tell you that just because that is the saying you shouldn't just sit down because someone says so. Okay, if you are in high school sit down that teacher has a say. And for now my friend just wait until you are out of school to turn into a pot stirer... Well that one was a joke. I have always believed whole heartedly in making the stand I beleived in. I am not so wise to think there isn't any hope for change. Many of your parents are going to someday say.... Now that isn't the best characteristic to have.... Well in my eyes, it's the only characteristic to have. If you are being walked on and someone is pointed the finger on how high you should jump, not giving you a rebuddle. Get out. They want to be the master. All of us of that in us. All of us can say to the little kid who is bullying the other, knock it off. You aren't any better than him. Keep your voice loud and keep it clear. Soon none of us, will have that stand. Soon if we let it happen we could be walking down the road where all the shutters are the same and the porches all have the swings and no one has bikes or flowers everything is shrubbery. Soon if you lose your voice so will your child, and his, and hers.
I hope this rant is giving some of you a reason to tell your neighbor to quit swearing at his kid, or stop bitching about the news, or to stop complaining about the gas companies about to tare up your back yard. Get with it people.... Some things we can control and some things we can't. Chose your battles, and love those all around you. Someday all you will have to offer is your voice and your opinion. If that person you want to confront isn't man enough to accept your opinion. What good is he or she? Why are they in your life? Is it a pay check? Let me ask you this. is that cell phone you are paying for on a monthly basis necessary? What about your tv, really need that? When things were simple and cancer was to a minimum doctors still came to your house. I'm pretty sure kids did chores, respected elders, didn't watch TV ~ didn't have TV ~ and from what I understand.... Phones weren't around either and I can't be too certain of this but I remember hearing someone in my family say they could call maybe 3 friend MAYBE!! So when you hear grandma bitchin about how times are changing and things are bad. When I was a kid 27 years ago. I could still get a pack of gum for 0.50 I just bought a pack for my car and paid over 2 bucks... Guess what ALL we get gum MAybe once every 6 months.
Why is this my post today? Miracles are few and fair between. Things in life aren't free. We need to work for what we believe in. No one knows their neighbors anymore. Marriages are more likely to fail than to succeed ~ I hope this isn't true for those of you reading this who are married, I have the thought of a failed marriage which is why I don't agree with them.
Most importantly, few of us on this earth live like we were dying.... Could today be your last? YES, it definitly could be. Where's that money going to get you today???
WOW I hope this hasn't offend any of you. We have our moments. This my value added content. It's not sunshine and roses, when you have a bad day. Just remember so can I, but tomorrow will be a new day. And a better post I'm sure. I hope you enjoy my words and share my content.
I love this blogging thing!!!! And just so you know~~~ This is Just ME!
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