Thursday, March 31, 2011

Make a Metal Heart Garland

Hello There!!!

My project for today is the Garland of metal hearts as seen here. This particular set is approximately 48" long, all the hearts range in sizes. I have this particular piece on ebay for $6.99 with shipping cost, if you are interested in purchasing the garland please send me the length you require, I will provide a quote. Local Pick up would be ideal, shipping is available at an additional charge.

Have a FaB DaY!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Frame an American Flag

Hey there! I just thought I would share with you my most recent craft.

In creating this craft,

1. My first step was to of course pull apart the framed art work (teddy bear with Now I lay me down to sleep prayer)

2. I had a silk flag from my Grandfather that I aged by dipping in out tea this gave it the look I wanted.

3. I painted the the backing/support of the white frame brown.

4. I sanded down the edges of the white frame to, again, give it the aged look.

5. I layed the flag onto the support made it a little uneven to give it the blowing in the wind look and closed up the frame.

If you have any questions on the craft send me a message, this craft will not be sold but I plan on creating more just like it. If you would be interested in purchasing this craft please let me know.

Have a FaB DaY!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Flaw is the Imperfection that Makes you You!

Hey Friends! Really happy it's finally Friday, Not to mention the sun is out. Still cold but great to feel the Vitamin D!

So how many of your friends have flaws? What a question, right? I ask this because I have some major flaws and my friends they have flaws to, but wanted to talk about how and why it's important to see the flaws as sometimes their best feature...and sometimes not.

First, how many of you are perfect? .... I didn't think so. Perfection is over rated, who wants to perceive themselves as not having any flaws nor having any problems? For many of us, no actually all of us, our flaws and our problems and our wrong doings are the reason we are who we are.

Your friends, your parents, your spouses, your children, coworkers, etc are going to make a mistake. Each of you have a choice on how you react, that is the only choice you have in the matter. Do you dwell or move forward? Many fights we have in our lives are not the breaking points in our different levels of relationships. It's actually how we choose to react that is the chain of events that starts the breaking point.

I guess the advice I would like to hear at this point is, what happens when I am not forgiven when I admit to a wrong doing, or rather things don't go back to the "way the were". If that is the case, it's unfortunate but again, it's how you react. You have to let it go, move on, and learn!

I have to admit for me, this has been an ongoing lesson I seem to have to relearn near monthly, maybe even more.

So my advice to me and others out there that haven't yet noticed it's your reaction.... Take a number of deep breaths and do not react to anything until you have a grip on why you have the feeling, why you want to point a finger, and why you have any business in it to begin with.

Flaws are part of what sets me apart from you. Just remember we all have our quirks, our choices, and our ways about life. For me, I know the flaws I experience mold me each time. I see a new layer of myself, sometimes I shed and sometimes I don't, and all depends on what I learned from it.

Hope you've enjoyed my Friday Feelings and may your weekend be filled with delightful moments!!

Have a FaB DaY!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Reward Yourself with What You Love

Usually it takes just a few sentences to give me an idea on what to write.

Today it's
"Do you remember what it feels like to create for its own sake?

Make less money and more happiness.
Sell less, help people more.
Market less, create more."

Found this on a blog by Skellie ~ wish I was better at posting links on here but I have always said each day we learn a new lesson...

So the title of the post where these motivational words came from on the blog is called Creating without Ulterior Motives. So prior to my finding these few sentences, I wanted to write about Everyone having Ulterior Motives, thinks to this blogger I have a much different view. Not everyone has Ulterior Motives! So I must rethink.

Back to the words that have motivated this post. What is your dream? Think about that and then reread the few sentences above. For me writing is what I love. I can create and touch 4 people, maybe more maybe less, and have my happiness with it. I am realizing the just creating is what makes it fun. Start getting paid for it, then it feels like work. I hope that with my blog I bring light to some peoples thoughts, make sense on situations, show a growth from then until now. I find this opportunity to be rewarding just in the thought of having it out there for anybody to find. Not sayign the anybody is nobody, but for instance the blog that I pulled these words from motivated me, what about it something I write motivates another? A beautiful possibility.

Another beautiful point to make, is that today's world makes this possible, my sharing & creating, your sharing & creating. We all have the ability to do what makes us happy just for the sake of it. So keep your focus and follow your heart. Do what makes you happy. Each situation you find yourself, can and will bring a new opportunity. Just takes a few moments for you to realize the opportunities available and then run with them.

So whatever your dream, where ever your motivation is born from. Keep it close and create for the pleasure of it, someday it could pay back but if it doesn't, there is still a reward for you, it's what you love and your passion gives you the only drive that matters.

I hope you find value in my words, I hope your days are all that you wish them to be.

Again this is me, building confidence one post at a time. Have a fabulous day!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Book Review ~ Tuesday's with Morrie by Mitch Albom

Today I finished a fabulous book, "Tuesday's with Morrie" by Mitch Albom. What a wonderful book so well written I felt like I was right there with them. I hope that soon I realize a lot better the lessons Mitch was being taught over those few months.

I don't want to give any of this book away. But talking about how a loved one or friend being on their death bed seems to sadly keep us so distant from them. I certainly know for me, I will definitly avoid at any cost the site of seeing any person, whether it be a family member or not, in pain let alone on their death bed. This book I hope has helped me to realize death bed or not they are still alive who ever it is. They have the same humor as I would remember them, they have the same eyes, and still like the same foods. For one reason or another the outside of them has been warped so as to not allow the true person shine through.

Oh how this subject terrifies me. The thought of death scares me to pieces most of us I am sure feel this same way. If you feel this way I highly recommend this book. It may help to make you realize that the person in the body is still there it's the body that is leaving. I just was so moved by this one. I admitted to a couple of friends I couldn't finish the book, I knew what was going to happen I just didn't want it to end.

Hope you read it. Hope you love it. And hope I can get another great read in my hands in a few days.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Today is one of those days!!

Hey there all!! Just want to first tell the few of you who read my posts thanks!! Every so often I check out my stats and surprisingly I do have just a few readers, hey something is better then nothing.

How many of you have been burned in your life/career? I don't necessarily believe in getting burned on the job. You see someone is making money from you unless of course you are the one who is making the products, advertising them, and deliverying them but even then I think someone gets the best of you. All of us are someone else's puppet, it's what we make of our time as the main character that gets us to where we need or want to be.

What happens when you been had? Do you retaliate? Not a good idea if you see potential? Do you make negative comments? Again, not a good idea. I was told by my momma that if you can't kill the king you better not open your mouth. So true, I had this happen in my most recent position. I guess I didn't try to kill any kings or anything but I certainly tried to make a roar, if you will. People, companies, groups, teams no one likes a pot stirer. So are you that person?

Well I am here to tell you that just because that is the saying you shouldn't just sit down because someone says so. Okay, if you are in high school sit down that teacher has a say. And for now my friend just wait until you are out of school to turn into a pot stirer... Well that one was a joke. I have always believed whole heartedly in making the stand I beleived in. I am not so wise to think there isn't any hope for change. Many of your parents are going to someday say.... Now that isn't the best characteristic to have.... Well in my eyes, it's the only characteristic to have. If you are being walked on and someone is pointed the finger on how high you should jump, not giving you a rebuddle. Get out. They want to be the master. All of us of that in us. All of us can say to the little kid who is bullying the other, knock it off. You aren't any better than him. Keep your voice loud and keep it clear. Soon none of us, will have that stand. Soon if we let it happen we could be walking down the road where all the shutters are the same and the porches all have the swings and no one has bikes or flowers everything is shrubbery. Soon if you lose your voice so will your child, and his, and hers.

I hope this rant is giving some of you a reason to tell your neighbor to quit swearing at his kid, or stop bitching about the news, or to stop complaining about the gas companies about to tare up your back yard. Get with it people.... Some things we can control and some things we can't. Chose your battles, and love those all around you. Someday all you will have to offer is your voice and your opinion. If that person you want to confront isn't man enough to accept your opinion. What good is he or she? Why are they in your life? Is it a pay check? Let me ask you this. is that cell phone you are paying for on a monthly basis necessary? What about your tv, really need that? When things were simple and cancer was to a minimum doctors still came to your house. I'm pretty sure kids did chores, respected elders, didn't watch TV ~ didn't have TV ~ and from what I understand.... Phones weren't around either and I can't be too certain of this but I remember hearing someone in my family say they could call maybe 3 friend MAYBE!! So when you hear grandma bitchin about how times are changing and things are bad. When I was a kid 27 years ago. I could still get a pack of gum for 0.50 I just bought a pack for my car and paid over 2 bucks... Guess what ALL we get gum MAybe once every 6 months.

Why is this my post today? Miracles are few and fair between. Things in life aren't free. We need to work for what we believe in. No one knows their neighbors anymore. Marriages are more likely to fail than to succeed ~ I hope this isn't true for those of you reading this who are married, I have the thought of a failed marriage which is why I don't agree with them.
Most importantly, few of us on this earth live like we were dying.... Could today be your last? YES, it definitly could be. Where's that money going to get you today???

WOW I hope this hasn't offend any of you. We have our moments. This my value added content. It's not sunshine and roses, when you have a bad day. Just remember so can I, but tomorrow will be a new day. And a better post I'm sure. I hope you enjoy my words and share my content.

I love this blogging thing!!!! And just so you know~~~ This is Just ME!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Book Review ~ Crush It by gary vay ner chuk

Excellent book for the New and Upcoming Marketer.

What I got from this book?
Were some excellent ideas and great motivation on how to grab people and pull them in, get them traffic'd to my website. He puts all the ingredients right in his book as a blueprint on how to market yourself and how to get people to love you without being pushy, but with being true to who you are. He states in this book how internet is the new form of resumes and such. Which is so true, I have no fear of putting myself out there by just being me. This book gave me a confidence and a new insight on what and where the internet is headed for.

A great read. You probably won't find a negative review as I can't exactly continue to read a book that bores me. So I hope you read this book expecially if you are in need of a new direction in your life. This book gets you to see the real you and what and how You have something to offer the internet.

Have a great day!!!

The Brain: 6 Lessons for Handling Stress

The Brain: 6 Lessons for Handling Stress

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Building Confidence ~ Conquering struggles, how to stay positive.

So growing up I was always told you always remember the bad stuff, meaning, I could recall a terrible fight my parents and I had had and probably have about 10 to choose from. On the contrary, when thinking of moments that were the good moments they kind of are easily forgotten about, until of course there is a reminder of them. Like for me, to this day, when I have dinner at my parents house for some reason my dad and I will somehow turn our dinner into something to have a belly laugh over. I certainly have plenty of happy moments, not trying to say my younger days were filled with bad moments, I probably have the same ridiculous stories most people do from their teenage years. Why is this my topic? Well it's a lot easier to let yourself give up. That is why, when you have a goal in mind there has to be reasons that help you to stay focused. Did I have a bad day today? Yeah I guess I did, not that it was a bad day more a dissappointing day. So how do I get out of a rut such as this? Well how can I show success unless I show the struggle? Right? I mean how many spectacular people in this world do you think stepped right into the spotlight? Just about none of them. I can garuntee that. Just like when I played on my softball team my coach had us training on Diving for balls. I was the athlete that when the ball got passed me I asked for another one, "give me another one coach" that practice I can remember like it was yesterday. For me, I knew not practicing on getting better would get me no where. So rule of thumb when you have goals, you have to stay focused revisiting them more than just once a day. It must become what you eat, sleep, & breath. If you don't believe that ask an olimpic athlete how much they have trained since the last games. Same with a corporate leader when do you think the last time he or she was out on a double date for pleasure it's all business once you get into the big seat no matter the path you take no matter the out let.

So Back to showing how to get past the struggle. I can remember my practice where I was asking for a bout a dozen balls to be hit my way just out of reach so I could dive.... You could imagine what my team mates were thinking as I was diving and missing diving and missing. Finally I got one, it landed in my glove and the rest was history. I mastered the dive. It was that season where very few balls went through my position I was the 2nd baseman. I loved those plays, and each time I would make the play it really felt like the first time. It's the same thing as when you seal a deal if you are in sales or marketing, the emotions take over, your jsut can't help but give yourself a "Hell Yeah". It's an amazing thrill. But with my "bad" day, I doubted me, I doubted my soon to be customers, I showed them I had doubt in turn made them feel doubt. You see how bad that negativity can affect the possibility of yoru business growing? You can never let the other guy see the stress or fear. Confidence has to always sit on your shoulders ALWAYS, if your not feeling cinfident, either figure out how to fake it or reschedule till you are confident.

How do you get to the top and stay at the top?
1. To Struggling means to grow, how often have you heard what doesn't kill you will make you stronger? SO TRUE!!!
2. Confidence should always be what you are wearing, being dresses for success is what it is all about My #1 belief is Success starts with Confidence!
3. Learn it till you know it! Knowledge is power and so is experience, give yourself the opportunity to learn what you need to know. We all start at the bottom, knowledge and experience is how you get to the top. This process is how you will gain your RESPECT.
4. Always be up front and honest. Speak what you think and always allow others to have opinions. Your way is not the only way! Change is how we grow!

Getting to the top can be referred to getting the friendship, the job, the date, the new customer, the promotion. You can and should use these tools for every day living. My new career choice has granted me already a number of new wonderful friendships. As long as I follow my 4 steps above I can't go wrong, my possibilities will continue to open, just by being honest, open, welcoming, confidence, gaining knowledge and most importantly admitting and overcoming stuggles.

I hope you found valuable content in this post!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Trial & Error

Well.... This branding yourself and DNA babble I was referring to from the most awesomist book "Crush It" is pretty cool and most definitly a fun experimentation. Also, learning some tricks from my team about how to drive traffic to A website.

These are the few things I have been experimenting with in step by step "protocol"

Step 1: Add Value to your readers. So how much value is it to them when you are crying for a following? "Hey Look at me" ~ Not Much Value, eh? Hence, the interesting reads, eye catching articles, informative techniques, anything that you have knowledge on other than just what you are selling would be creating a larger following. So they say. My experiment here is to just be me, my positive self. Then throw a funny post here, a personal post there, something work related there. Keeping an interest in a multitude of followers not just the ones you want to streamline.

Step 2: Don't give up. If someone showed interested don't bombard them with your content, just drop in here and there kind of to remind them your still out there. If & when they are interested in checking it out.

Step 3: Help others. Take into consideration that if you have a few others working on this type of Marketing whether it be the same business or not sharing content can and will broaden the marketing group. Case in point, right now I have only 2 followers, I just started this only a few short weeks ago. I am not growing but I am putting content out there. Those 2 followers though may have 10 followers, hence I may have just moved my small 2 to a not so small 12 in followers, helping my content reach a few more friends.... Who might just start liking my posts and realize they will want to follow what I am writing about....

Make Sense. This isn't all that I have learned from the book Crush It. So all you business builders, I encourage you to get the book and read it. I have another book on the way hoping to get another AWESOME Lesson from it.

I started working For MySelf, Not By Myself in January 2011. This is a genuine experience and wonderful Experiment for me. Hoping y'all have A FAB Day...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Try, Try, Try Again!

So today I am realizing that unless you attempt something or step out of your comfort zone how will you ever know what your limit is?

How can you be shot down if you don't ask or attempt whatever it is you need/want to accomplish. Why wouldn't you just put yourself out there for someone to say yes, you never know what they are going to say. I am realizing more and more that the title of this post is the only way to go. So what if someone says know, the next person may just say yes. If at first you don't succeed try again cause sooner or later you will someone is bound to say Yes. There is a quote out there if you don't start how will you finish it? I will have to find that and put it in with my favorite quotes.

So make an attempt to step out of your comfort you will be surprised at what you can accomplish!!!

Have a FAB day!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Christian the Lion

Why the Positivity?

Have you ever noticed when one thing goes wrong just about everything goes wrong? I sure have and lately it is becoming more and more obvious that attitude plays a lot into how I perceive things. Am I always so delightful and happy and have no frustrations? Absolutely not, but I try very hard to not allow the worst of things get the best of me. I have a lot to be thankful for, if this blog gives some the support they need than I will be delighted that my positivity can give others a reason to be hopeful, or smile, or feel understood. I am hoping this can open up a support for others. I have always loved helping people see the good they hold inside. I finally was able to see the good I have inside is seeing the good in others, holding no grudges, and being a positive and optimistic personality.

Another Great Quote!!!

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. ~Judy Garland

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Things are not Always what They Appear.....

Things do not pass for what they are, but for what they seem. Most things are judged by their jackets. ~Baltasar Gracian