Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to Become Successful?

How do YOU become successful? The last I checked Success isn't something available at a supermarket. It's something you find inside of you. You measure your idea of success, you decide if you want to push or sit on the sidelines.

Success is within and only within, it doesn't grow on trees and isn't handed to you in the office. My idea of success is having happy children and having a home to raise them in. The means I use to get to that success, well still trying to figure that out. Although the means isn't streamlined, my success is a reality. We have extremely delightful and happy children and our home is all that I've ever dreamed of.

Doesn't success change from time to time? Absolutely, when in college or let's say high school what was your dream of success? I know for me becoming the captain of my high school softball team, was my senior year of success. Oh my what a dream come true with that reality hit me. I was on fire that practice, seemed that whole season went pretty smooth for me. So I got my success, was that it? Were my dreams done? Hell No, next challenge, next conquer!

So where's the kicker in becoming a success? If it's my measurement then why don't I feel successful? Well that starts with those around you. Not everyone is going to believe in your dream and your potential for success. This is where many of us cower down, we hear that inkling of doubt and take it as inevitable failure. I do it, all the time. I have big dreams great ideas. Then, I talk about it to friends and family, problem is, the enthusiasm isn't there. In my mind, I think, well I guess it wasn't that great of an idea any way. So sad, as growing people we allow for one small lack of enthusiasm stage our momentum. I am guilty of it, probably more so than most. My dreams come and go as fast as the sun sets.

That change in dreams, doesn't at all hinder my desire for success. I have already stated what is success to me and that I've achieved it.

A few years back my success was measured by also having a career. I was working in an office. I wanted to be the boss, I wanted to rule the roost. It was only a short 18 months or so and I succeeded. Accomplishing that goal was an amazing achievement for me. In fact, for me all of my goals thus far have been reached in my short life... Just 31, turning 32 this May. I am a little nervous to look ahead and think "hmmmm am I going to be as lucky in the next years, will I be able to fulfill my dreams still". Then I get this feeling all through me, what do you mean lucky? Achieving all of those "successes" wasn't the luck of the draw, or being at the right place at the right time. Getting those achievements and becoming the Leader was what was meant to happen becuase I didn't give up, I didn't sit on the sidelines. I dreamt and I acted. I gave my all, my dedication was admired and my measurements of success became my reality.

So How do you become Successful? You decide what is successful, what do I have to do to get there, and what are my challenges, will I let them get me down? You decide if success happens, nobody else! Good Luck!!

Be kind, expect little, and give a lot!


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